Links - 2023 and 2022
Posted: Nov 27th, 2022
- Examples of Unintended Consequences
- Most recent example in this blog’s feed is the FDA labelling sesame seeds as a major allergen. There are now big fines for putting sesame seeds in food where it isn’t listed as an ingredient. The result? Firms start adding a pinch of sesame to everything just so they can put it on the ingredient label.
- This jacana leg situation
- The jacana is a wading bird with doting fathers. A male Jacana will carry his chicks around under his wings.
- Cameron’s World
- A web-collage of text and images excavated from the buried neighbourhoods of GeoCities.
- Causal Inference for The Brave and True
- A clearly written online textbook, with example python codes, and plenty of humor. Fantastic stuff. Mostly deals with the estimation of average treatment effects.
- The Medieval Bestiary
- Well-referenced site with details about medieval european beliefs about beasts, both real and mythical.
- The pages on real animals, detailing bizarres misconceptions, are my favorites. Here’s the page on elephants, for example.
- Pseudodoxia Epidemica (1672)
- An interesting old document in which Sir Thomas Browne writes long essays about the common misconceptions that annoy him. Also contains the first recorded instance of the word “electricity”.
- An example: Book 3, chapter 21 carefully argues against the popular belief that Chameleons survive on air alone and don’t need to eat any food.
- There’s also an accompanying document, written as a rebuttal to Browne. Including, yes, an argument that chameleons totally just need air to survive and that the reason they eat flies is for… uh… for fun?
- Literally Imagine Dragons
- A blog post in which the first half is an educational description of porphyrins, and the second half is bonkers speculation about fire-breathing stegasaurs.
- infrastructure that looks like sci fi
- Brain Maps
- Zoomable, hi-res images of tissue cross sections. Some of the images let you zoom in far enough to see individual cells.
- Wikimedia Gallery of Medieval Diagrams
- Nine Degrees Below Photography
- color management, photography and painting using free/libre software. Articles about color spaces and the like. Probably more detail than you’d ever need to know.
- Jason Davies
- Lots of interesting visualizations, mostly of maps.
- Erich Friedman
- Math Puzzles and visualizations
- Flags of the World
- A website about flags. It’s hideous. I love it. See, for example, municipal flags of Kansas. Overland Park’s flag redesign is especially baffling.
- Worldbuilding Pasta
- Incredibly detailed blog posts about geographic features, and how to invent realistic geography for imaginary planets.
- Ming the Clam
- At 507 years old, Ming was the longest-lived individual animal. This fact wasn’t discovered until after Ming was frozen and killed.
- Twitter’s Whistleblower Report
- There has been much ado over twitter drama since Elon Musk took over the company. But much more shocking and less talked about are the allegations made by a whistleblower back in July 2022. Twitter threads with highlights: 1, 2. Among other things, Twitter was apparently doing development on the production environment.
- Heavy Boots
- Vertical Castling
- The rules of chess used to allow a King to Castle with a newly promoted pawn.
- Five Problems With Chess
- A game designer’s complaints about the rules of chess. The highlight is a vulgar rant about En Passant
- Life Without Your Cerebellum
- I knew that the cerebellum was responsible for ‘muscle memory’, but I didn’t know that it contains half of your brain cells and “has some role in coordinating social stimuli as well as motor”. If a person is born without a cerebellum, they can adapt and survive, but will be clumsy and socially stunted.
- The Commodordion
- A Functioning electronic accordion built from two Commodore 64 computers.
- Let’s Learn About Waveforms
- A short essay about sound with interactive visualizations (auralizations?)
- H3: Uber’s Hexagonal Hierarchical Spatial Index
- Uber has a clever system for implementing a hex-grid tiling of Earth’s surface. If you remember your geometry, you know there must also be 12 pentagons in the mix. Uber uses the Dymaxion orientation to place the center of each pentagon in the ocean. Another link. And here is a python script which generates h3 shapefiles in QGIS.
- TensorFlow Playground
- Interactive visualization of an Neural Network as it learns.